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Où souhaitez-vous faire livrer vos fleurs?

Fresh flowers at your nearest florist

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Discover the florists in the region and their creations
Opt for home delivery or in-store pickup
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Discover Local Florist

Local Florist connects you directly with florists in your area to enjoy the talent of passionate artisans and receive a bouquet with unmatched freshness.

Our advantages


Dive into the creative world of florists in your area and be charmed by their unique creations available in our online shop.


Opt for same-day delivery or pick up your bouquet directly in the store.


Offer the freshness and harmony of a bouquet designed by a talented florist while supporting artisans in your area.

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Vous êtes fleuristes et vous désirez prendre part à l’aventure ?


Égayez votre boîte de réception avec les dernières actualités et offres exclusives de Local Florist.